Your journey at Enlit Europe - Energy Efficiency

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Your Journey

If you're interested in the topic of Energy Efficiency, we recommend you follow the selection of sessions below at the Hydrogen & Energy Storage Hub and the Evolve Stage.

Check out below which expert speakers you will hear from in the sessions you choose to attend.

Please note: Timings and Session Titles are subject to change.

Evolve Stage (Hall 6)
    • Opening Keynote
    • Opening Keynote
    • Opening Keynote
    • Opening Keynote
    • Opening Keynote
    • Opening Keynote
    • Opening Keynote
    • Session: Dispatchable power for a successful energy transition
    • Session: Carbon Capture - vital technology in the net zero toolbox?
    • Session: Regulatory certainty: Key to re-booting the transition
Hydrogen and Energy Storage Hub (Hall 7)
    • Session: Energy Storage - Capacity Market & other Revenue Stream Opportunities
    • Session: Energy Storage - Capacity Market & other Revenue Stream Opportunities
    • Session: Energy Storage - Capacity Market & other Revenue Stream Opportunities
    • Session: Energy Storage - Capacity Market & other Revenue Stream Opportunities
Digital Tech Hub (Hall 5)
    • Session: IoT and Cloud Services
    • Session: IoT and Cloud Services
    • Session: IoT and Cloud Services
    • Session: IoT and Cloud Services
    • Session: IoT and Cloud Services
    • Session: IoT and Cloud Services
    • Session: IoT and Cloud Services
    • Session: IoT and Cloud Services
Evolve Stage (Hall 6)
    • Session: System Flexibility Strategies
    • Session: Digital Reality Check
    • Session: Evolving the Distribution Grid System
    • Session: Next Generation of Renewables
    • Session: The expected Impact of AI on the Energy Sector
Hydrogen and Energy Storage Hub (Hall 7)
    • Session: BESS in the Energy Transition
    • Session: BESS in the Energy Transition
    • Session: BESS in the Energy Transition
    • Session: BESS in the Energy Transition
    • Session: BESS in the Energy Transition
Power Generation Hub (Hall 7)
    • Session: Asset & Lifecycle Management Strategies
    • Session: Asset & Lifecycle Management Strategies



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Partners & Sponsors

Diamond Partner


Host Utility Partner

  • Enlit Europe 2024 Host Utility Partner Enel


Energy Transition Partner


Platinum Partners


AI Partner

  • Enlit Europe AI Partner Microsoft


Gold Partners

Silver Partners

Utility Partners




Innovation Partners


Official Endorsement

  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


Industry Partners