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Thierry Coosemans

Thierry Coosemans

Director of the EVERGI team on sustainable energy communities and Vice-president of the Electric Engineering and Energy Technology Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Thierry Coosemans has a PhD in Engineering Sciences. After several years in the industry, he became a member of the MOBI research team at the VUB, where he now works as the director of the EVERGI team on sustainable energy communities and Vice-president of the Electric Engineering and Energy Technology Department (ETEC). He is currently involved in the scientific support for the Green Energy Park Zellik, and had an active role in Flanders Make, the Living Labs Electric Vehicles Flanders and the VLAIO-funded projects ROLECS, MAMUET and OPTIBIDS. On a European level Thierry was, and still is, involved in the EC and Interreg funded projects which he coordinated, in addition he is currently coordinating the 20Million HEurope project REFORMERS. His main research interests are the development of CO2-neutral Sustainable Local Energy Systems, electric and hybrid propulsion systems, and the performances of electric-vehicle fleets under real-life conditions, including in a V2G perspective. He is an active member of the Bridge Initiative, Eurec. and Flux 50. 

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