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Sylvie Perrin

Sylvie Perrin

R&D Department and Program Director on Voltage, Protections and Stability, RTE

Mrs. Sylvie Perrin is director of an R&D Department TenPoS dealing with voltage, protection and stability issues in an evolving system (more decentralised production and more power electronics connected to the grid) at Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (for RTE, the French TSO). She is also director of the transformation of the stability processes at RTE. The energy transition is a major driver and the grid is rapidly evolving, the studies and tools have to be adapted in order to attend these challenges.

Before joining RTE, she was working at EDF Lab R&D and was head deputy of the System and Market operations Department mainly dealing with new control-command systems for substations, DC (low and medium voltage), storage and also on different market models for the electricity market.

She also led the governmental, ADEME, Smart Grid project Smart Electric Lyon which was a five-year long project (2012-2017) including 21 participants. The goal of this demonstrator was to test with customers in-home industrial solutions working with the Linky meter, to test different flexibility methods on buildings and focus on innovations, new trends in this domain.

Before that she was a team manager at EDF R&D, the team was mainly focused on new technologies and Information Systems for end users. 

She has also been involved as convenor of a working group in international standardizing working groups in organizations such as IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). The past projects she has been dealing with mainly concern the definition of a standard for electronic data interchange for utilities and ontologies. 

She is graduated from Paris-Saclay in fundamental mathematics.

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