Elissaios Sarmas
Dr. Elissaios Sarmas is a graduate of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (NTUA) from which he graduated in 2020 with a grade of 9.07 (Excellent). He holds a Master's degree in "Technoeconomic Systems", while he has completed his PhD on "Artificial Intelligence Models and Optimization Algorithms for Distributed Generation, Flexibility in Microgrids and Energy Saving in Buildings". Dr. Sarmas is a scientific associate of the ESAD-EMP (DSS Lab) having active participation (data science, technical coordination, project management) in more than 15 research projects, where he has developed solutions for large organisations across Europe, including but not limited to TSOs (REN-Portugal, ELES-Slovenia), DSOs (Areti SpA, Elektro Ljubljana, EDP Distribuição), energy suppliers (PPC, HERON, EUNICE, EDF, EDP) and ESCOs (VEOLIA, LEIF). His main area of expertise is Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Optimization Algorithms. He has many years of experience in topics related to renewable energy, energy markets, energy grid operation and energy system flexibility. In these areas he has more than 15 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals, numerous presentations in international scientific conferences, and the English book "Multicriteria Portfolio Construction with Python". He has been awarded by the D. Chorafas Foundation in the framework of his PhD thesis for his innovative research in the field of artificial intelligence with applications in energy.