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Elisa Crocco

Elisa Crocco

Innovation for Energy Smart Management and Climate Neutrality Project Manager, RINA Consulting S.p.A.

Mrs. Elisa Crocco obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2019, followed by a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering in 2022. After completing a traineeship in a biodigestion plant focused on biomethane production, Elisa worked in the plant, where she primarily managed plant operations and performed calculations of GHG emissions and GHG savings.

In 2022, she joined RINA Consulting S.p.A., specifically in the Energy Research, Development & Innovation Business Unit, as a Project Manager. At RINA, she manages and coordinates European R&D projects and proposals, with a particular focus on energy transition, climate change mitigation, and adaptation strategies. Her role involves overseeing multidisciplinary teams, ensuring timely delivery of project objectives, and engaging in the development of sustainable and innovative solutions that align with EU policies. She is also actively involved in shaping project proposals, collaborating with international consortia, and contributing to strategic planning for decarbonization and renewable energy initiatives.

2024 Partners & Sponsors

Diamond Partner


Host Utility Partner

  • Enlit Europe 2024 Host Utility Partner Enel


Energy Transition Partner


Platinum Partners


AI Partner

  • Enlit Europe AI Partner Microsoft


Gold Partners

Silver Partners

Utility Partners




Innovation Partners


Official Endorsement

  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


Industry Partners