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Eleni Kanellou

Eleni Kanellou

Research Associate, National Technical University of Athens

Ms. Eleni Kanellou is a research associate and a PhD candidate in the Decision Support Systems Laboratory of the school of Electric and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. She is an economist holding a BSc degree in Accounting and Finance from the Athens University of Economics and Business. She has an MSc in Global Business and Sustainability from Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University in the Netherlands. She is working on EU funded research and innovation projects (H2020, Horizon Europe, LIFE) about energy democratization and utilizing data enhanced tools and novel technologies (i.e., AI, machine learning algorithms) to mitigate complex issues such as energy poverty and accelerate the just energy transition while encouraging the uptake of renewable energy. She has successfully coordinated/is coordinating several EU funded projects (i.e., POWERPOOR, ENPOWER) and has participated in the
implementation of various projects (i.e., DEFINITE CCRI, PARIS Reinforce, DigiPrime). 

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