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Alessandro Provaggi

Alessandro Provaggi

Director, Zabala Innovation Europe

Alessandro Provaggi is the Director of Zabala Innovation’s Brussels office, a leading consultancy specialising in managing innovation platforms and securing EU funding with a focus on sustainability and digital transformation. With over 18 years of experience in policy, EU projects, and strategic communication, Alessandro brings deep expertise in energy, innovation management, and sustainable financing. His work bridges the gap between policy and practice, helping organizations navigate the complexities of EU funding and align their projects with key sustainability and innovation goals.

Before joining Zabala, Alessandro led the DHC+ platform at Euroheat & Power, where he worked on energy innovation policy and drove key projects in cooperation with stakeholders in the heating sector. He also served as coordinator of the EU Renewable Heating and Cooling platform at EUREC and worked as a project officer for the European Commission. 

Alessandro's academic background includes degrees and executive certificates in international relations, business administration, and project management and he has also been a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University.



2024 Partners & Sponsors

Diamond Partner


Host Utility Partner

  • Enlit Europe 2024 Host Utility Partner Enel


Energy Transition Partner


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AI Partner

  • Enlit Europe AI Partner Microsoft


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Innovation Partners


Official Endorsement

  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


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