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VISA Enquiries

According to your country of origin, you may need a VISA to be allowed into Italy to attend Enlit Europe 2024.

We can help you with your application by issuing an invitation letter (from the organiser) after you have registered to attend the event. Please check the confirmation page of the registration form or log in here.

Italian Inviter

MiCodmc logo Enlit Europe 2024

MiCodmc is appointed as the Official Agency which will help you if you need a VISA invitation letter issued by an Italian organisation to support your request for a VISA to join Enlit Europe in Milan.

How to access:

  • To request an invitation letter, please use this link:
  • And enter the access key: ENLIT2024VISA
  • Once everything is submitted and payment is made, you will receive a confirmation email in your mailbox, MiCodmc will review the information and issue the letter.

More information:

  • Processing a VISA invitation letter costs EUR 100,00 + VAT
  • You need to be registered for Enlit Europe 2024 to request the letter; please register here if you haven't done so yet


If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact MiCodmc directly:

Partners & Sponsors

Diamond Partner


Host Utility Partner

  • Enlit Europe 2024 Host Utility Partner Enel


Energy Transition Partner


Platinum Partners


AI Partner

  • Enlit Europe AI Partner Microsoft


Gold Partners

Silver Partners

Utility Partners




Innovation Partners


Official Endorsement

  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


Industry Partners