Sharing data is essential, across all industries, to engage all value chain stakeholders in collective action for the realisation of a sustainable future, through increased knowledge and enhanced data-driven intelligence.
The same will be true for the global green energy transition. The EU-funded SYNERGIES project will develop a stakeholder-inclusive energy data space to unleash the sharing potential across the energy data value chain.
It will:
- integrate data from consumers, energy networks, buildings and mobility;
- make this data widely accessible;
- enable collective intelligence approaches leading to data-driven innovative energy services.
These services will empower and benefit consumers, support network operators, and create a resilient, inclusive and just green energy future.
Duration: 1 September 2022 - 28 February 2026
Pitch Video
SYNERGIES is a 42-months Innovation project funded by the EU within the Horizon Europe programme. In the current profound transition of energy economy from a centralised, fossil-fuel-based system to a ...