
Subpage Hero

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Stand: 5.K32
    Type of Organisation
  • Software Provider
  • Organisation Area of Focus
  • Grid Infrastructures - Electricity
  • Digitalisation
  • Generation

Safegrid provides a simplified and scalable fault management solution for electrical grids.

All Safegrid products ultimately improve your entire grid performance.

Safegrid's Intelligent Grid System® helps locate, predict, and prevent grid faults and improve grid performance with instant-on wireless sensors and modern cloud-based monitoring and analytics by providing the following actionable information:

Fault location within +/- 100 meter accuracy on a map in just seconds.

Predictive maintenance based on 24/7/365 partial discharge monitoring.

Safegrid's Intelligent Grid System® employs instant-on sensors and cloud-based analytics for capturing and analyzing grid events. It utilizes sensors for overhead lines and underground cables, accurately locating events using GPS time synchronization.

GridGuardian® is a cloud-based system that monitors the grid in real-time, accessible through web and mobile interfaces. It uses mapping tools and grid topology data to quickly notify about grid faults.

Grayfox® is a cable grid sensor that employs rogowski-coils for non-intrusive current measurements.

Grayhawk® is an overhead line sensor that utilizes wireless current measurement technology, making it non-intrusive and non-contact.

What will we be doing / showcasing at the event: We'll demo the Safegrid solution which helps locate, predict, and prevent grid faults and improve grid performance with instant-on wireless sensors and modern cloud-based monitoring and analytics. Safegrid provides a simplified and scalable fault monitoring solution for electric transmission and distribution grids using innovative algorithms for fast transient detection and GPS time synchronization. A utility owner is able to know about a fault before it exists with our predictive solution.
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