Mycroft Mind, a.s.
- Czech Pavilion
- Software Provider
- Grid Infrastructures - Electricity
- Digitalisation
- Energy Efficiency
Mycroft Mind is developing embedded AI/ML modules for detailed adaptive monitoring and prediction of energy flows in complex infrastructures, energy behavior of prosumers, including their expected responses to different situations and developed and manages one of the major technical solutions for collecting and processing sensor network (big) data for the energy sector.
Our solutions aim to tackle challenges of the energy transition. We have been developing end-to-end data-driven solutions that maximise value from prosumer's assets, boosting not only the prosumer's income, but also aiding balancing of the distribution network.
We have developed performant algorithms capable of running in the embedded environment that leverage high-frequency measurements performed by a smart meter. These algorithms are capable of identifying patterns in energy consumption, detect anomalies or provide forecasts. Additionally, we have been working on precision forecasts of PV installations. On-site generation and consumption are coupled by MILP algorithms that aim to maximise utilization of the generation, while also paying attention to the spot prices and making use of earning opportunities that arise on the spot market.