As buildings are the largest consumers of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, META BUILD aims to accelerate the decarbonisation and electrification of thermal energy demands in both commercial and residential buildings, ultimately providing decarbonisation as a service. The project is built around three key pillars:
Electrification Technologies for Building Thermal Energy Demand
Integration of RES & Storage
Building Digitalisation and Intelligence with smart energy management systems.
META BUILD will identify, test, and scale solutions, including heat pumps (HPs), photovoltaic thermal collectors (PVTs), and thermal and second-life battery storage systems. Data-driven services, demand response tools, proactive maintenance, artificial intelligence, smart controllers, and Digital Twin technologies will be integrated to foster a smart energy system.
Six buildings across Europe will demonstrate the effectiveness of these solutions, while an additional seven pilot projects will replicate the successful outcomes.
META BUILD (full name: Powering the METAmorphosis of BUILDings towards a decarbonised and sustainable energy system) is an innovation action funded by the European Union through the Horizon Europe Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101138373.