- Belgium Pavilion
- Association/ NGO / Not for Profit
- Digitalisation
- Storage
- Decarbonisation of Industry
Flux50 is the innovation cluster for the energy transition that helps Flanders gain international recognition as a Smart Energy Region.
As a membership organisation Flux50 facilitates cross-sector collaboration between energy, IT and building companies in orde to enhance the competitiveness of the Flemish smart energy industry. Flux50 brings together relevant players from industry, academia and government and provides them with project support, networking opportunities and a knowledge-sharing platform.
To bring innovative and fully-integrated energy products and services to the international market, Flux50 sets up and coordinates living labs in five 'innovator zones':
Energy harbours
Multi-energy solutions at district level
Energy cloud platforms
Intelligent renovation
In order to respond to the constant evolutions in the innovation landscape Flux50 set up four focus groups in 2020:
Sustainable Thermal Energy: in order to deal with the challenges of the impacting switch to electrification of heating in the built environment and the acceleration of heat networks. At the same time the roadmap addresses the development of comfort as a service.
Renovation: Affordable and scalable renovation is the key challenge for the coming decade.
Energy Communities and Positive Energy Districts (EC & PED): we translate all experiences around EC projects in Flanders into next steps for effective realisation and position Flanders in the new EU trend for PEDs.
Large Scale Energy Storage and Security of Supply (Sos): we review our position in the field of long-term energy storage (e.a. power to X), given the rapid evolution in industrial ambition to achieve full CO2 neutrality.