
Subpage Hero

 Subpage Hero


    Type of Organisation
  • Technology Service/Repair
  • Organisation Area of Focus
  • Grid Infrastructures - Electricity
  • Digitalisation
  • Energy Efficiency

To achieve the goals of the EU Green Deal as well as the national energy agendas, an increasing need for flexibility to compensate for fluctuating generation from renewable energy sources is needed. The industrial sector as one of the largest consumers of energy has a mostly untapped potential of flexibility provision.

Increased flexibility of industrial production processes combined with on-site energy supply and storage technologies can offer new opportunities to improve sustainability of industrial sites and help integrate more renewable sources in the power grid. However, there are still some challenges to be tackled: tools need to be developed to better integrate energy storage solutions and renewable sources into industrial settings. Furthermore, solutions linking the flexibility potential of industrial sites with surrounding community and energy markets as a whole need to be developed to enable the realization of new business models.

FLEX4FACT will accompany industrial partners in achieving their energy transition by developing digital tools integrated in a holistic platform, thus paving the way for industrial flexibility provision benefiting various stakeholders along the value chain. This will increase the penetration of renewable sources, which will in turn decrease the dependency on energy fuels and reduce the energy bill of EU enterprises, leading to a competitive EU industry.

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