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Stand: 6.E10-S06
    Type of Organisation
  • Academia / Research Institute (Student / Professor / Researcher)

EV4EU project - Electric vehicles management for carbon neutrality

EV4EU is a Horizon Europe funded project, aiming to develop and implement user-centric V2X (Vehicle-to-everything) management strategies that will allow the massive growth of electric vehicles. Using V2X technology that enables the exchange of data and energy between the vehicle and its surroundings, the project aims to develop tools and applications for the user, propose new types of chargers and develop an open platform for information exchange between systems, network operators and charging operators. The project counts with the expertise of 16 Participant Partners and 6 Associated Partners and was launched in June 2022, with a funding of 9 million euros. 

At M28, some of the main achievements of the project include a) development of several V2X management tools for houses, buildings, parking lots and EV fleet by small companies, b) characterization of the user needs and their perception, c) development of 12 business cases , d) development of flexible capacity contracts operated by DSOs and a VPP portfolio considering RES and ESS, e) development of a new V2X charging station considering Sharing Charging services and f) development of an open V2X management platform that allows information exchange between players and systems.  These and other developed tools and solutions are already being tested in demonstrators installed in four European countries - Portugal, Denmark, Greece and Slovenia

The four Demonstrators:

Portugal – São Miguel (Açores)

On the island of São Miguel, Azores, the Portuguese demonstrator aims to test V2X strategies that facilitate electric vehicle charging in homes, buildings and companies.


The demo sites are spread across three different locations: at EDA headquarters, where V2X management strategies are tackling fleet management for SMEs focusing on light passenger; LREC, to test the scenario of public buildings and 7 houses strategically distributed across various locations on São Miguel Island to address electric charging in homes. 

Denmark – Risø and Campus Bornholm

The Danish demo explores the advantages of integrating Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) strategies in the energy management of parking lots integrating renewables, based in two locations.

Risø is a research campus of DTU located in Roskilde and Campus Bornholm is an educational institute in the main town of Rønne, on the island of Bornholm. Despite the different settings, the installed EV charging infrastructure is identical at both locations, comprising 6 AC chargers (22 kW) each with two outlets, providing the opportunity for 12 EVs to be connected simultaneously.

Greece – Attica, Mesogia

In Greece, the project will test a more intuitive platform for managing charging stations and investigate the impact of electric vehicles on the grid.

The Greek pilot will mostly take place in the Mesogia Area, located in the Attica region. 

Slovenia – Krško and Elektro Celje

The first location is the business office building in Krško with already integrated demo equipment. The facility will be equipped with 6 controllable charging stations (each charger has 2 outlets capable of supplying up to 22 kW), which can be autonomously controlled to provide behind-the-meter services. 

The second location will target existing GEN-I customers within the preselected substation (in the area of Elektro Celje). 

This demonstrator aims to test the impact of V2X on the electricity network, the energy market and system services.


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