The Clean Energy Package establishes the rights to access energy data to customers and share it with eligible parties of their choice. This enables new energy data-based services within and beyond the energy sector. The main barrier for such solutions is the lack of large-scale and uniform procedures in the EU. Actors are tied to national practices, which limits their interoperability and growth perspective. These constraints have an industrial, economic and social dimension on a European level and beyond.
As a solution,'EDDIE'creates a de-centralised, distributed, open-source Data Space, aligned with the work of the EU Smart Grids Task Force on the Implementing Acts on Interoperability and other European activities. This'European Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy (EDDIE)'lowers data integration costs drastically because the resulting'EDDIE Framework'lets energy service companies work and compete in a common European market. In addition, an'Administrative Interface for In-house Data Access (AIIDA)'ensures the customer consent-based secure and reliable access to valuable real-time data.
*European Project (Horizon Europe GA #10106951) to establish a European Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy.