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Stand: 5.A40
    Country Pavilion
  • Netherlands Pavilion
  • Type of Organisation
  • Association/ NGO / Not for Profit
  • Organisation Area of Focus
  • Grid Infrastructures - Electricity
  • Digitalisation
  • Storage

As the regional economic development agency for Zuid-Holland, InnovationQuarter, is thrilled to organize the Netherlands Pavilion at Enlit Europe. Being a partner of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, we drive economic growth through investment and innovation. Our presence at the fair reflects our commitment to helping Dutch businesses grow internationally and supporting foreign companies in setting up in our region. Visit us to meet our Foreign Investment support team, who will provide expert guidance on how we can facilitate your business’s growth in the Netherlands.

A large number of Dutch companies with extensive experience in the field of smart grids are part of the Netherlands Pavilion, created by InnovationQuarter and partners to merge forces, project their capacities and place the Netherlands as a global benchmark in this field of great projection.

During Enlit Europe 2024, we will bring 18 associated companies to the Netherlands Pavilion to showcase the best of what is being made in the Netherlands.

Visitors to the Netherlands Pavilion will experience how innovative Dutch companies are and how they work on the challenges of tokenisation, smart meter energy, data-driven decision-making, renewable energy, energy networks, energy trading, energy efficiency, optic solutions, weather forcasting and security issues, and the strong collaboration that exists between partners in industry, utilities, government agencies, universities and R&D centers.


The companies of the Netherlands Pavilion invite Enlit Europe's attendees to the Happy Hours on Tuesday and Wednesday.

We will serve the best topics and assets of the Netherlands while you taste a beer or wine.

  • Tuesday 22nd of October, 16:30 - 18:00
  • Wednesday 23rd of October, 16:30 - 18:00

Do you want to learn more about the development of energy communities in the Netherlands? Be sure to join the panel session at the Digital Tech Hub (Hall 5) on 23 October from 13:30 to 14:15.

For Italian participants specifically, we offer the opportunity to be part of a networking reception with the Dutch delegation on Tuesday 22nd in the evening. Interested in participating? Please send an email to anne.devries@innovationquarter.nl


Contact Anne de Vries, anne.devries@innovationquarter.nl

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  • Enlit Europe 2024 Host Utility Partner Enel


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  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


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