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Stand: 6.E10-EU22
    Organisation Area of Focus
  • Grid Infrastructures - Electricity
  • Digitalisation
  • Other

DATAMITE is a project funded by the European Commission, as part of the Horizon Europe programme, which has the main objective to empower European companies by delivering a modular, open-source and multi-domain framework to improve data monetisation, interoperability, trade and exchange, in the form of software modules, training, and business materials.

DATAMITE helps companies share data by providing tools to build their own data products, define their own data policies and publish their data products in ecosystems like Data Spaces, marketplaces or initiatives like the AI on Demand Platform (AIoD). Besides, it offers a plugin-based approach to facilitate the publication of data into other platforms like Open Data portals, European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), or the AIoD. 

DATAMITE unleashes the monetisation potential at two levels. At internal level, users will have tools to improve quality management of their data, the adherence to FAIR principles, and will be able to upskill on technical and business aspects thanks to the multiple open-source trainingmaterials the project will generate. Therefore, data will become trustable and more reliable also in other paradigms like AI. At external level, keeping users in control of their data will provide new sources of revenue and interaction with other stakeholders. 

DATAMITE is a 3-year project, which started in January 2023, with 26 organisations from 12 countries. The DATAMITE framework is being tested in 3 use cases, in a total of 6 pilots. In one of the use cases, the DATAMITE team is testing the feasibility of using data spaces as data destinations for electricity Distribution System Operators (DSOs), in two pilots, one led by E-REDES in Portugal and another by HEDNO based in Greece. The E-REDES pilot main objective to evolve the open data portal by leveraging and enriching datasets and to test the technical architecture that allows data sharing to an energy data space. HEDNO’s pilot main objective is to implement a technical architecture enabling the exchange of data through Energy Data Spaces. Reliable data exchange through a Data Space will be validated with energy service providers that will implement system planning tools, such as optimal sizing methodology, DER generation forecast, and state estimation algorithms.

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