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23 Jul 2024

Exelon: Achieving a Unified Approach to Utility Operations

IFS Stand: 5.H34

Aging assets, the energy transition, meeting customer expectations and the decentralization of traditional business models are key factors creating complexities in utilities operations. As utilities face these disruptions in the industry along with several other asset and operational related challenges, a unified approach to operations can provide reliability, efficiencies, quicker and safer outage restoration all while improving satisfaction and better engagement with customers.

Watch the on-demand webinar for an interactive panel discussion made up of utility industry experts including one of the largest US utilities (Exelon), technology and service providers (IFS and Accenture) and the Research Director of IDC Energy Insights, to discuss:

  • Global utility challenges and opportunities for digital transformation
  • Exelon’s strategy and approach for unified utility operations
  • The role of technology and service providers in supporting utilities ecosystem
  • The efforts towards decarbonization changing utilities strategies around operations
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