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Enoda PRIME® Exchanger Technical Animation

Enoda Stand: 7.D54

The Enoda PRIME® Exchanger: a bidirectional, active power flow device, which delivers a clean electrical signal by dynamically modulating voltage, frequency, phase, power factor and noise removal. Enoda PRIME® Exchangers can increase renewables penetration supported by the grid from ~30% to +80%.

Enoda PRIME® Exchangers in a network are coordinated through Enoda ENSEMBLE™, designed to enable optimal, coordinated grid-wide demand and supply, with real-time, low-carbon balancing.

A grid enabled by Enoda PRIME® Exhangers and Enoda ENSEMBLE™ can become self-balancing and the primary provider of system stability, reducing the cost of system balancing and removing the need for fossil fuel or biomass peaking power stations.

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