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23 Jul 2024

Artificial Intelligence for Optimized Asset Reliability

IFS Stand: 5.H34

Convert operational asset data into real-time asset management intelligence

Real-time asset data is imperative for successful enterprise asset management (EAM) strategies. However, businesses must analyze multiple data sources to understand and predict asset performance from all perspectives: historically, in the moment, and predictively.

Data volume is never a problem. Most businesses have vast amounts of data generated from IoT devices and other sources across the enterprise—data that helps inform what happened, what is happening, and what will happen. However, since operational data is often siloed, access is difficult, time-consuming, and rarely done in real-time.

Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) synthesizes structured and unstructured data to extract meaningful new insights and patterns. In this eBook, we examine the different types of data that support asset reliability and how AI is central to converting operational information into timely EAM business intelligence that augments asset health and productivity.

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