Turn thousands of ETWHs (Electric Tank Water Heater) into 'distributed energy storage' and save money! Be prepared for SPOT (15-minute) electricity grid prices.
From 22nd to 24th October, Milan will become the capital of the European energy transition and will host Enlit Europe, one of the most important events dedicated to the energy sector in Europe.
Enlit Europe is a major international conference and exhibition focused on the energy sector. It brings together experts, companies and innovators to discuss energy transition, sustainability and modernization, covering topics such as renewable energy, digitalization and energy efficiency.
In Hall 7, Stand J14, Yellow Grid will present for the first time its solutions and future visions on how ETWHs (Electric Tank Water Heaters) can be transformed into distributed energy storage and how to collect their flexibility.
We can't wait to meet you!
For press releases from Yellow Grid visit www.yellow-grid.eu
For more information, please contact:
Jan Řehák, CEO & Founder
Email: rehak@ygrid.eu
Yellow Grid a.s. "Turn thousands of ETWHs (Electric Tank Water Heater) into 'distributed energy storage' and save money! Be prepared for SPOT (15-minute) electricity grid prices."