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07 Mar 2024

Exelon's Digital Transformation Journey with IFS

IFS Stand: 5.H34
Exelon's Digital Transformation Journey with IFS
Exelon's Digital Transformation Journey with IFS
As one of the most respected companies in the Fortune 250, Exelon is the largest energy delivery company in North America. With an obsession to deliver great service to customers, Exelon is always looking at ways it can evolve and improve.

As one of the most respected companies in the Fortune 250, Exelon is the largest energy delivery company in North America. With an obsession to deliver great service to customers, Exelon is always looking at ways it can evolve and improve.

Speaking at a the Distributech utility event, Rob Biagiotti, VP Assets and Core System Projects at Exelon, shared more about how Exelon is using technology from IFS to transform its business so it can more effectively manage its assets, projects and services.

The Challenge

With more than 10 million customers, Exelon’s business stretches across six fully regulated transmission and distribution operating companies. The company’s 19,500 employees are dedicated to delivering reliable, affordable and efficient energy to customers across the Northeast and Midwest US.

With an abundance of assets and a committed workforce to manage operations across their six utility businesses, Exelon wanted a system that would provide insights and efficiency improvements across the enterprise, so that they could offer the best possible service to customers.

Fit for purpose

Speaking about why Exelon chose IFS, Rob Biagiotti explained that the business needed a platform that was cloud-based, standardized, and fit the evolving requirements of their operating companies.

“Our perspective was not to pick a software company, but to pick the very best technology partner. To have a platform that was cloud-based, ready-to-go and agile.”

The second challenge for Exelon was finding a solution that was both composable to their needs, and ready to deliver value. As an asset-heavy business, having a system that reflected the nuances of managing the full asset lifecycle, as well as offering breadth of functionality for the highly regulated utilities sector was key. Composing the required functionality alongside the integrations needed to the existing technology estate was a critical for the solution they needed.

“Any project of this size and stature is going to require support and buy-in from across the business. What made a difference with the approach from IFS was the ability for us to configure the technology to align with our strategic business priorities.”

Configuration vs. Customization

Recognizing the benefits of keeping the business live on the latest AI-based technology, the Exelon team knew they needed a system with real industry depth that would avoid the need for customizations. In addition, having a uniform system across the company’s subsidiaries meant that management and function leadership would have the insights and drill-down capabilities to truly understand, model and act on improvements.

“It’s really about setting big, audacious goals for the future and having the best platform to get us there.”

It’s still early days for Exelon’s digital transformation journey with IFS, but already teams are engaged in scoping and building requirements to deliver on the company’s vision and strategic goals.


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