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Building height limits

  • The maximum height limit for any form of stand fitting, lighting, structures (except for banners, see below) and/or graphic towers for stands with a surface < 36sqm is 4.5m from the hall floor, including platforms.
  • The maximum height limit for any other form of stand fitting, lighting, structures and/or graphic towers for stands with a surface equal to or over 36sqm is 6m from the hall floor, including platforms.
  • A maximum building height of 4.5m is in place for rear and/or dividing walls.
  • The maximum rig height limit for hanging banners is 6m from the hall floor to the top of your banner. including platforms (i.e. top of the banner at 6m)
  • Any stand floor/platform above 2.5cm in height is required to install an access ramp of no more than 8% gradient and 120cm width.
  • All levels, differences in level and platforms created within a stand must be accessible to people with disabilities in accordance with the conditions set out in the Italian Law.
  • The height of the hall is 12.40m, with the exception of under the trusses where it is 6m.

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Walling restrictions

  • At least 50% of each open side (each corner) should remain open.
  • Stands must be suitably open so as not to cause offence to neighbouring exhibitors or breach fire regulations. Any run of walling facing the gangway or an exhibitors' stand must be made of interest for the visitors and on-looking stand.
  • Solid walls along gangways, except for rear walls, are not permitted. Solid walling should not exceed 6m in length - walls should have natural physical breaks of at least 2m wide at every 6m. See-through glazed panels or other such features instead of a physical break are not permitted, as they form a physical barrier.
  • The stands and walls must be neatly finished from all sides, also from above. Please be aware that:
    • Before getting the approval to build, it is mandatory to submit to the Health & Safety Officer of the Show a detailed plan of how all stand’ sides are planned to be finished, including a description of materials, measurements and others.
    • The Health & Safety Officer will also inspect all stands prior to opening to ensure they’re neatly completed on all sides.
  • All advertising and logos must be within the specific height limits and must not be sited on the rear or dividing walls, especially where they overhang an adjoining, lower-height, stand.
  • All raw space exhibitors must erect rear and dividing walls on any part of the stand that does not face an open gangway. All such walls should be:
    • made of one of the following materials:
      • same material as the front of the walls
      • shell scheme material
    • dressed in white/ off-white to the rear above 2.5 m
    • carry no company advertisement.
  • Please note that fabric material is not allowed.
  • Exhibitors on raw space sites must not use the rear of other stand walls without the consent of the exhibitor concerned.
  • Please be aware that if none of these rules are followed, the organiser will try to make arrangements to fix this issue where possible and this will be at the exhibitor's expense.

Tip: Contact your neighbouring stand(s) well in advance of the event in order to eliminate the risk of any potential onsite surprises and issues with adjoining walls. Please contact the organiser,, for contact details of your neighbouring stand(s).

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Exhibition floor

  • The exhibition floor in all the tree halls is covered with fiber-reinforced concrete. It is obligatory to cover it by using carpet or platforms.
  • Carpet is only provided for Shell Scheme stands, Premium stands and Meeting rooms; therefore, if you have a Raw space stand you must make arrangements to cover the floor of your stand.
  • Platforms and carpets are the only permitted covering of the exhibition space, which must be removed by the exhibitor at the end of the event including the removal of adhesive tape.
  • Only residue-free adhesive may be laid on the floor, in order to not damage the floor.
  • The maximum permitted floor loading for goods transportation and stand assembly work is 5000kg/sqm.

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Doors and windows

  • Emergency exit doors must open in the direction of the evacuation, in case of evacuating more than 50 people, but under no circumstances they can encroach on the evacuation corridors.
  • All emergency exits must be free of obstacles at all times.
  • The height of the exit routes must be no less than 1.20 m wide and 2.10 m high.
  • Doors for entry and exit located on the edge of stands must not open outwards onto a gangway.

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Hanging banner / ceiling / balloons

  • Hanging banners including advertising/logos to be inset by 1 meter from neighbouring stands.
  • The installation of aerial structures, such as support systems for lighting and hanging banners, is permitted provided that those structures do not exceed in height 6m and must be contained within the actual stand build/design. After approval by Abraxys, rigging should always be requested via Fiera Milano Congressi.
  • Load capacity suspension point is 150kg /4.00m.
  • The use of balloons as decoration of stands is restricted to previous consultation with the event organiser and Health & Safety Officer Abraxys. Please submit your request latest by 30th August 2024 to Balloons inflated with a flammable or toxic gas are prohibited (ART. T45) and Helium containers are not allowed inside the halls.

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  • All work must be carried out using non-flammable materials.
  • All materials used must have a specific fire rating (Italian class or Euro class).
  • Requirements are as follows:
    • Stand structure and partitions with class 1 (A2) rating (Italian classification system).
    • Large furniture items (cash till, counter, display unit, separator screens, etc.) with class 2 (B) minimum rating.
    • Wall coverings (natural or plastic materials) with class 2 (B) if on surfaces that belong to classes 0 (A1), otherwise class 1 (A2) rating.
    • Curtains, hangings or loose voiles with class 1 (A2) minimum rating.
    • Firmly fixed floor coverings with class 2 (B) rating is allowed if on surfaces that belong to class 0 (A1), otherwise class 1 (A2).
    • Draped decorative or stand-dressing items (advertising panels if surface area >0.5m2, string decorations, small decorative objects etc.) with class 1 (A2) minimum rating.
    • Full canopies with class 2 (B) minimum rating.
    • Ceilings and false ceilings with class 1 (A2) minimum rating.

Please be aware that it is mandatory to have the fire safety construction material declaration for materials used available on each stand approved by Abraxys (see point 14 of this document).

Please note that it is compulsory to have a fire extinguisher at each stand. An additional fire extinguisher is required for every added surface area of 50sqm. Fire extinguishers can be rented via  Fiera Milano Exhibitor Services. Failure to comply will be fined by the venue.

Please click here to view the Fiera Milano Technical Regulations on stand build materials regulations and restrictions.

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Waste disposal

During the assembly and dismantling phases, it is the obligation of the outfitting companies to remove their waste daily, removing it from the exhibition area independently or appointing its own supplier, who transports it to recovery or disposal plants, according to current legislation. Therefore, during these periods, ecological areas or bins that can be purchased directly from Fiera Milano are not available. With reference to the Technical Regulations, it is forbidden for fitters to leave any kind of waste, both in the assigned space and in the internal and external common areas (lanes, roads, etc.). This obligation is extended to all waste materials and waste materials from assembly and dismantling work (packaging, materials used such as walls, false ceilings, floor coverings, etc.). In the event of waste being abandoned in the pavilions or inside the Exhibition Centre, Fiera Milano will apply a penalty of up to € 5,000.00 (five thousand/00), without prejudice to compensation for greater damages, also reserving the right to remove the responsible staff from the district and to proceed legally.

For the management of their waste, fitters can contact the companies authorized to manage waste, registered in the National Register of Environmental Managers, which can be consulted at Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali. For reasons of knowledge of the district and of the exhibition activities, for the management of waste during the assembly and dismantling phases, we would like to point out the following company, which has been a supplier of Fiera Milano for waste management in recent years, which also has an office inside the Service Center at room n.28 and is reported in the Fiera Milano Exhibitor Services.: 

AMI SERVICE S.R.L. Centro Servizi del Quartiere Fieristico, SS 33 del Sempione n. 28 – Rho (MI) Via Traiano Marco Ulpio, 70 - 20149 Milano (MI) -Autorizzazione numero MI/054349 - +39 347.2633923 -;

In any case, the appointed company can be easily accredited and it is possible to activate the service of housing any containers/containers for the collection and transport of waste. During event days, there are specially equipped areas outside the pavilions dedicated to the separate collection of waste (separate separation rules attached). It is only possible to deposit urban waste: paper, cardboard, plastic, organic fraction and glass-cans, which Fiera Milano sends to the public collection circuit of the Municipality of Rho. The floor plan will be sent to you 1 month in advance, depending on when the active refreshment areas for the event are defined.

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It is mutually understood and agreed that the organiser shall use proper and reasonable care to have all power services installed in time for the opening of the show. Proper and reasonable care shall be taken to prevent the interruption of power services during the exhibition. However, the organiser shall not be held responsible for late installation or interruption that may occur.

Please note that in order to comply with Italian Law, raw stand exhibitors have to request an inspection service of the electrical installations via the webshop of our official standbuilder Fiera Milano Rho.

Please note that in most cases one stand per island will have the mains connection and switch box for the entire island. This means that the mains will be shared with other exhibitors and must be accessible at all times.

Please note that stands not located on a duct can’t take power from a duct in the aisle in front of their stand, but they will be provided with a ceiling drop. This will be provided by the venue and can be ordered in the venue webshop. Please click here for the floor plan with the stands that will require a ceiling drop, marked in red.  

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Personal Protective Equipment

At the Fiera Milano Rho, full PPE including safety shoes, helmets and high visibility vest during build-up and breakdown is obligatory. Fiera Milano Rho reserves the right to deny access to staff lacking the aforementioned equipment. We kindly advise you to arrange it in advance. Last-minute PPE can be rented onsite at the hardware store, Ferramenta Bonfanti, located close to the Service Centre by the South Entrance.

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Stand Plan Approval

All exhibitors with a raw space stand MUST provide drawings of the proposed stand for approval.

  • Complex Stands - Deadline 30th August 2024
  • Non-Complex Stands - Deadline 13th September 2024

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Stand Inspection Fee

Please note that there is a mandatory charge for the independent inspection of all raw space stand plans and supporting paperwork.

  • Please complete the form Stand Plan Inspection Fee and Abraxys will send you a confirmation invoice/receipt as soon as the payment has been accepted.
  • The Stand Approval Plan Fee is GBP 175 excl. 20% VAT. After 13th September 2024, the fee will increase to GBP 300 excl. 20% VAT.
  • Please supply your plans and required documents for inspection by using the link: Stand Plan Upload.

If you have any queries, please contact:

All correspondence thereafter will be by email, which will make our response times to you much quicker.

This will also eliminate the need to send in multiple copies of hard-copy plans.

The organisers cannot take responsibility for plans that are submitted after the deadline. Construction will not be allowed to commence if plans have not been approved. You will need approval from Abraxys for the stand design and all stand furnishings shall comply with the regulations of Fiera Milano Rho available here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Site inspections will occur, please bring all relevant certificates of materials being used as you should be able to show these if requested by the venue or organiser. The site inspection will be guided by Abraxys, the venue and the Safety Manager appointed by the organiser who might request the viewing of the above-mentioned documentation and certificates.

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Complex / non-complex stands

Complex Stand

It is imperative that exhibitors submit their proposed stand design no later than 30th August 2024 to allow time for checking and any alterations necessary prior to the venue management cut-off date. Responsibility lies ultimately with the exhibitor to comply with these regulations and ensure the safety of their stand.

Complex Stands comprehend any construction that demands the development with a competent professional on its design, calculation and also needs a solidity certification or an assessment of significant risks.

Your stand is a Complex Stand if it:

  • Platforms and stages over 0.30cm in height;  
  • Features temporary tiered seating;  
  • Features stairs or staircases; 
  • Multi storey/double decker stands 
  • Stands over 4m
  • Stands over 100m 2
  • Stands with vertical elements over 4m in length of wooden construction - a stand deemed as complex by the venue.

Please note that a complex stands will require consent and inspection, and are subject to additional cost which will be charged directly via Fiera Milano Rho. Any costs incurred will be invoiced to the exhibitor and not to the stand constructor. After the stand plans have been inspected, one copy will be stamped as having received permission and returned to the exhibitor / stand constructor if accepted. Stand construction may not commence until the plans have been stamped as having received permission.   


Required documentation:

A project describing the construction of the structure, including materials, measurements, load transmission to the hall floor, its height and location. A structural project with static calculations by a Italian competent technician must be provided. Verification of the solidity and stability of the structure against wind (for outdoors structures), static loads, usage loads, etc.

Risk assessment of the structure during build-up and dismantling will also be requested.

Any rigged/suspended structure classed as a complex structure will require additional checks and will be subject to a complex fee – see below:

  • Full drawings of the structure including materials used, suspension points, eye bolts, steel cables or chains, trusses, fixings, attachments, and adjoining methods.
  • Structural calculations report (must be in English) produced by a Italian qualified certified structural engineer and written confirmation from an independent structural engineer, with adequate professional indemnity cover, that the design is safe for its purpose (must be in English).
  • Once the documents are submitted, the engineer must sign off your rigged/suspended structure before it can be lifted. It cannot be raised if any of these elements are not provided and the permission received.


Non-Complex Stand

Non-Complex stands (all other raw space stands) plans must be submitted before 13th September 2024.

Plans must be checked before approval to build can be granted. It is important exhibitors submit stand plans for approval by the deadline to allow for any amendments.

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Stand plan submission rules

  • Plans must be in English;
  • Plans must state the exhibiting company’s name and stand number;
  • Plans must be to scale (no less than 1:50). Dimensions should be in mm;
  • Faxed copies of plans will NOT be accepted;
  • Must include a Risk Assessment;
  • Must include a Method Statement;
  • Include a layout plan of the stand showing positioning and description of exhibits;
  • Ensure access is left to columns where necessary. Such information should be included on plans where relevant;
  • Include a description of construction materials used including certification of flame proofing where required; as above
  • Please supply your plans and required documents for inspection by using the link: Stand Plan Upload.
  • Details of any rigging including the type of structure to be installed – these must also be sent to the venue rigging/technical department when ordering and they will check this prior to installation and onsite before any rigging is raised into position.

Please note: Full dimensional drawings, showing all proposed constructional details, must be submitted and approved by organisers before any work is started. The design of each stand must be such that it can be erected and dismantled within the time available.

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Health & Safety

Apart from submitting your technical drawing, we as well request the following documents: Risk Assessment + Health Safety compliance form and a Method Statement. If required, please, all these forms can be found on the Exhibitor Portal under the menu My Stand, page 'Rules & Regulations and Health & Safety'.

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Partners & Sponsors

Diamond Partner


Host Utility Partner

  • Enlit Europe 2024 Host Utility Partner Enel


Energy Transition Partner


Platinum Partners


AI Partner

  • Enlit Europe AI Partner Microsoft


Gold Partners

Silver Partners

Utility Partners




Innovation Partners


Official Endorsement

  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


Industry Partners