Energy Storage Zone

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Storage is at the heart of the Energy Transition

If we want to rely overwhelmingly on wind and solar power for electricity, powering the energy transition with better storage is a must. Let’s evaluate the role and value of long-duration energy storage technologies in securing a carbon-free electric grid at Enlit Europe.

The Energy Storage Pavilion in Paris will focus on how energy storage enables the future of energy.  

Enlit Europe Energy Storage Zone

At the Energy Storage Zone you will learn about:

  • How storage tech intersects with renewables and hydrogen
  • The role of energy storage in achieving Europe’s energy security
  • Latest innovations, technologies and investments in energy storage
  • Strategies for long-duration storage
  • Re-purposing plants through energy storage initiatives
  • Dealing with policy and regulation for energy storage
  • A roadmap of EU Projects accelerating the adoption of energy storage




“Europe’s energy security will only be achieved through energy shifting”

Patrick Clerens
Secretary General, EASE

In collaboration with EASE

EASE Enlit Europe Partner

Endorsed by EASE, the Energy Storage Zone showcases best in class Energy Storage solutions and services to support the entire energy storage value chain: feasibility, testing, development and engineering, construction and operation among many others - designed to create opportunities, meet peak energy demands, reducing strain on the grid and minimising spikes in electricity costs.

Who you will meet

Our attendees will rub shoulders with Energy Storage experts at Enlit Europe: 

  • Associate Programme Officer, Renewable Energy Innovation
  • Business Analyst Battery Energy Storage
  • Director - B.U. Industry & Renewables
  • Director - Renewable Energy
  • Director of Smart Grids and Storage Business Area
  • Director of Storage & Islands Energy Transition Unit
  • Electromechanical & Renewable BU Director
  • Energy Storage & Geothermal Platform Leader
  • Energy Storage Project Manager
  • Energy Storage Sales Specialist
  • Energy Storage student
  • Global Marketing Battery Energy Storage solutions
  • Head of R&D and Renewable Energy Plants
  • Head of Business Development - Storage
  • Head of Flexibility and Storage
  • Head of Long Duration Storage & Hybrid Systems
  • Head of Marketing and Sales - Energy Storage
  • Manager & Energy Analyst -  Renewable Energy
  • Managing Director Renewable Division
  • Power Quality & Energy Storage Systems Chief
  • Product Manager - B.U. Industry & Renewables


  • Programme Officer - Renewable Energy Roadmaps
  • Proposal Engineer - B.U. Industry & Renewables
  • Proposal Manager - B.U. Industry & Renewables
  • Regional Segment Leader Wind & Renewables
  • Renewable Development Expert
  • Renewable Energies Project Manager
  • Renewable Energy Development Manager
  • Renewable Energy Engineer
  • Renewable International Business Development
  • Renewable Specialist
  • Renewables Global Portfolio Leader
  • Renewables Product Line Manager
  • Sales Manager - B.U. Industry & Renewables
  • Sales Specialist - Renewables
  • Senior Renewable Portfolio Manager
  • Student MSc Renewable Energy
  • Senior Business Developer Storage
  • Senior Expert Storage Technology
  • Senior Manager Marketing Energy Storage
  • Senior Strategic Marketing Manager  Energy Transition  Hydrogen, CCUS, Geothermal and Energy Storage Turbomachinery and Process 
  • Smart Grids & Storage
  • Vice-President Renewables & Utilities
  • Worldwide IoT Leader, Utilities & Renewables



5 Initiatives in Wind Energy advancing the Energy Transition

Learn about a 476MW wind farm in the German Baltic Sea, Poland's low carbon ambitions, the role of wind energy in Europe's race to net zero, the forecast for floating offshore wind - and more!

Download the Infographic

Infographic Enlit Europe Wind

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  • Enlit Europe 2024 Host Utility Partner Enel


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  • Enlit Europe AI Partner Microsoft


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  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


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