The European Energy Retailers (EER)
The European Energy Retailers (EER) represents the voice of Independent Energy & Solution Providers in EU-wide policy discussions.
In order to achieve a well-functioning retail energy market, new suppliers and service providers must be able to enter into and compete in the market on equal terms. The competition and innovation that new entrants bring to the market are important factors in helping the energy markets to deliver the EU Commission's vision behind the Clean Energy for all Europeans package.
The founding associations are: ACIE (Asociaci'n de Comercializadores Independientes de Energ'a / Association of Independent Retailers / Association of Independent Retailers), AFIEG (Association Française Indépendante de l'Électricité et du Gaz / French Independent Association for Electricity and Gas), AIGET (Associazione Italiana di Grossisti di Energia e Trader / Italian Association of Energy Traders & Suppliers), bne (Bundesverband Neue Energiewirtschaft e.V. / Association of Energy Market Innovators) and Oberoende Elhandlare (Independent Electricity Retailers).
Find out more here:
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Visiting address:
European Energy Retailers
Rue d'Egmont 15
B-1000 Brussels