The German Energy Agency (dena) is a centre of excellence for the applied energy transition and climate protection. dena studies the challenges of building a climate-neutral society and supports the German government in achieving its energy and climate policy objectives. To do this, dena develops and implements solutions and brings together national and international partners from politics, industry, the scientific community and all parts of society. Founded in 2000, dena now employs a staff of 400 working continuously on close to 100 projects. dena’s basic organisational structure consists of five departments, two multidisciplinary departments and two staff units. dena operates several offices in Berlin, including its headquarters in Berlin-Mitte and the EUREF Campus location (Berlin-Schöneberg), as well as an office in Halle (Saale), which opened in 2022. dena is a project enterprise and a public company owned by the German federal government. dena’s shareholders are the Federal Republic of Germany and the KfW Group.